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Save, Share, and Embed Your Exhibit

  • A unique url is generated for each Exhibit.
  • You can find the url under ‘share’ in the Exhibit Editor.
fig 10
  • The share panel provides options for user access and embedding.
  • You can choose to give edit or view access when sharing a url.
  • Exhibits can be embedded into other websites at a variety of sizes.

fig 11

Here is a demo of how to embed an exhibit into a web page using the following code generated by the share dialogue:

<iframe src="https://www.exhibit.so/exhibits/H8eRALyZNl8STQKrNev9?embedded=true" style="width:100%; height:480px" allowfullscreen frameborder="0"></iframe>


WordPress disallows iframe embedding by default, so you will need to install the iframe plugin and convert the embedding iframe code accordingly, e.g.

<iframe src="https://exhibit.so/exhibits/H8eRALyZNl8STQKrNev9?embedded=true" width="640" height="480" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay" frameborder="0"></iframe>


[iframe src="https://exhibit.so/exhibits/H8eRALyZNl8STQKrNev9?embedded=true" width="640" height="480" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay" frameborder="0"]
